Hello World

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Welcome to my personal hideout, I wish you a nice stay. And if you’ve enjoyed my content, feel free to come back at anytime.

About me

Me, identified as @IsSkyfalls_ or @skyfalls online. Some vague description/keywords:

If you’re interested in knowing me more in depth, or if you know me IRL and want some status updates about me, I do have a dedicated page for that. Still TBD, on 1st priority.
If you want to contact me(general chats are welcomed), you can reach me on telegram where I’m most active.

About the blog

I’ve always wanted a blog of my own. An online space where I could share my thoughts, research, life logs etc., and keep them archived forever(that’s the plan). I started on this journey about a year ago. On one particular day in Sept. 2021, I started working on my own blogging CMS named Labyrinth. To keep it short, I basically scrapped the first two versions simply because they have drifted apart from my original vision. The version you’re currently seeing is the 3rd revision, renamed to Mage. Like my other stuff, the naming doesn’t really convey anything meaningful to anyone besides me. I’ll sure to be talking about this in depth, but that’s for another day.

About the site

This skyfalls.xyz domain is registered by me back in 2019. The name “skyfalls” is from my name, and .xyz for the diversity of my (possible)works. Back then, I don’t really have any plans, and I’m not really into web dev as I am today. After 2020 has started, the blueprint had been finally settled, and the subdomain structure will be as followed:

Only an hour ago, I was staring at a blank document and wandering about what to write. But after the thoughts started coming in, it just keeps coming. I’ll stop here before it gets out of hands. Again, thanks for visiting.